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Additional Learning Needs (ALN)


Our school is proud to be a fully inclusive school and successfully caters for children with a wide range of individual needs. The school’s policy meets demands set in the Government’s ALNET (2018) programme.


Children are identified at an early stage and are given timely and effective interventions (Universal Learning Provision) which are monitored and adapted to ensure they deliver the desired outcomes .


The school has two ALN co-ordinators who work with the class teachers and pre-school settings to assess individual needs and plan the necessary provision.


If a pupil requires support in addition to Universal Learning Provision, then they will have ALN (Additional Learning Needs) and an Individual Development Plan (IDP) will be made with all parties being included in the process.


Parents are invited to participate in regular review meetings. If a child has particular difficulty we may seek advice from an expert outside of school. In this instance, parents are informed and arrangements made for discussion between all parties. The school ALN Policy is on this school website and available on request at the school office.

The organisation of Additional Learning Needs (ALN) in schools in Wales are changing. The document below gives an outline of the changes from September 2021.
