The dynamic nature of the Expressive Arts can engage and motivate learners and so encourage them to develop their creative, artistic and performance skills to the full. The Expressive Arts Area of Learning and Experience (AoLE) centres on the five disciplines of art, dance, drama, film and digital media, and music. While these disciplines have a common creative process and share transferable skills, each has its own discrete body of knowledge and set of discernible skills. This area of learning and experience will ensure that learners are entitled to access all five disciplines. The Expressive Arts Area of Learning and Experience will afford learners meaningful experiences through which they can gain an understanding and an appreciation of the diverse communities of Wales as well as the wider world. Whether as attendees or creators of exhibitions and performances in art, dance, drama, film and digital media, or music, learners will come to know about their own culture and society as well as those of other people. This will enable them to explore cultural differences between themselves and others, through time and place. In addition, the knowledge, skills and values they develop through these activities will enable them to engage with issues that arise in their lives. We offer instrumental tuition to all pupils from Year 3 upwards in recorder, Brass and woodwind, all supported by The Carmarthenshire Peripatetic Music Service