Governor’s Welcome
May I on behalf of the governors welcome you to Stebonheath Primary School. As governors we aim to ensure that the school provides:
• A safe and secure place where children feel they belong, where no-one is afraid to put forward their point of view and where their views are respected.
• A place where everyone cares about others and helps them succeed.
• A place where adults care for the children and are aware of their individual needs both educational and personal.
• A place where the curriculum is well planned and stimulating, where teaching and learning is a shared, hands-on activity and where high standards are achieved.
• Enthusiastic staff that inspire in the children the will to achieve and encourage them, by their ex ample, to strive to master that which is sometimes challenging.
• A place which is enhanced by everyone’s involvement – parents are always welcome at the school to share in their child’s achievements be they sporting, musical, academic or any other.
• A place of trust and happiness.
Mr N Bevan
Chair of Governors