School Meals
We have exceptionally good meals at Stebonheath Primary School which are prepared and cooked on the premises by Mrs Laura Anderson and her team.
Seasonal menus are given to the children which follow a three week cycle. The menu is available to view on Parent Pay, a PDF version is below.
Special diets can be catered for by arrangement with Laura. Children may bring in a packed lunch to eat in the dining hall if they prefer.
We encourage parents to pack healthy lunches for their children. We ask that dinner money for the week is paid for in advance, on Monday mornings and that it is sent into school in an envelope clearly marked with the child's name. Some children may be eligible for free school meals, details of eligibility and relevant forms are available from the Admin Office. Healthy snacks are available for children to buy during the morning break and water is freely available. Pupils are asked to provide a named water bottle for use in school. Children up to the age of 7 years receive free milk daily.