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Changes to Nursery Admissions from September 2025 - Primary Rising 4s Policy

Parents considering sending their child to Stebonheath Primary School are encouraged to make an appointment to view the school. Whilst this document can provide you with a good deal of information about the school and its operation, there is no substitute for first-hand experience and we would welcome the opportunity to introduce you to the staff and children. Please note that all admissions for places at the school are to be made online at:

Pupils are admitted to the Nursery part-time (either morning 0900hrs-1130hrs, or afternoon 1240hrs-1510hrs) in the term following their 3rd birthday. There are three admission periods within the academic year, i.e. September, January and April. Our pupils then become full-time in the term of their 4th birthday.


Further information regarding admission arrangements is available from Mrs Davies at the school Administration Office.
