Our curriculum has been co-constructed through engaging with all stakeholders and will meet the following requirements:
Our Curriculum
At Stebonheath we aim to provide a broad and balanced curriculum for every pupil, focussing on learning that has impact and is relevant. Our curriculum also contains activities that are topical, include local events and history, as well as considering the wider world. These are underpinned by essential skills in literacy, numeracy and digital competency that can then be applied to all areas of the curriculum.
At Stebonheath, learning is organised through carefully planned thematic teaching with opportunities for children to lead the learning. Pupils are encouraged to make progress at their own pace with suitable support given at every level.
Learning activities will be age-appropriate, incorporating independent, paired, group and whole class. Activities take place indoors, outdoors and where appropriate both in the community and further afield. Every opportunity is made to create links with the local community and other schools.
We pride ourselves on being a school that has the child at the heart of everything we do. We have created a welcoming, happy and nurturing school community where each child feels safe, special and cared for.
Four Purposes
At Stebonheath, for all our pupils from 3-11yrs, we are working in line with the new curriculum which aims to deliver an education system in Wales that is a source of national pride and is underpinned by 4 purposes that develop children to become:
1. Ambitious, capable learners, ready to learn throughout their lives.
2. Enterprising, creative contributors, ready to play a full part in life and work
3. Ethical, informed citizens of Wales and the world
4. Healthy, confident individuals, ready to lead fulfilling lives as valued members of society.
Areas of Learning & Experience
Curriculum for Wales 2022 organises learning around six areas of learning and experience (AoLEs):
• Expressive Arts
• Health & Wellbeing
• Humanities
• Languages, Literacy & Communication
• Mathematics & Numeracy
• Science & Technology
An inclusive curriculum
Our curriculum will raise the aspirations for all learners. As a school we have considered how all learners will be supported to realise the four purposes and to progress. We have considered our ALN provision and how we will meet the needs of different groups of learners.
The intention is that all learners will progress along the same continuum of learning for each area of learning and experience (AoLE) from ages 3 to 16. There are 5 progression steps for each AoLE, at ages 5, 8, 11, 14 and 16. The pace at which they progress along the continuum may differ, as a learner’s thinking develops over time to new levels of sophistication.
Achievement Outcomes
In each area of learning and experience (AoLE) progress is made through a series of achievement outcomes. They are reference points to plan learning and teaching, including assessment, and can also be used on an ongoing basis to monitor how learners are progressing, and to identify where interventions are needed. All our learners will be assessed on entry to the school.
What Matters
‘What Matters’ statements underpin the learning in each area of learning and experience (AoLE). Each what matters statement expresses what matters most in that area of learning and experience, and why it is considered important.
UNCRC : The Rights of the Child
Our school will promote knowledge and understanding of Part 1 of the UNCRC, and of the UNCRPD, among those who provide teaching and learning.
CWRE : Careers and Work-related Experiences
Our curriculum will incorporate careers and work related experiences for all of our learners.
Relationship and Sexuality Education RSE
Our school curriculum embraces the guidance in the RSE Code. Helping learners to form and maintain a range of relationships, all based on mutual trust and respect, is the foundation of RSE. These relationships are critical to the development and understanding of emotional well-being, resilience, empathy, diversity, respect and equality.
Religion Values and Ethics RVE
Religion, values and ethics (RVE) is a statutory requirement of the Curriculum for Wales and is mandatory for all learners from ages 3 to 16.
There is no parental right to request that a child is withdrawn from RVE in the Curriculum for Wales
As RVE is a locally determined subject, the agreed syllabus specifies what should be taught in RVE within the local authority and our curriculum will reflect this guidance.
Educational Visits and Charges
The education we provide for children is free. We do not charge for any visits and activities that enrich the curriculum. However, when we arrange educational visits to complement and enhance the curriculum in school we may ask for a voluntary contribution. These trips are an integral part of the work in school and are recommended for all children regardless of financial concerns. Any parent struggling to meet any costs should see the Head Teacher, Mr Littler.
The following is a list of additional activities organised by the school which require voluntary contributions from parents:
• visits to museums
• sporting activities which require transport expenses
• outdoor adventure activities
• visits to the theatre
• theatre/music groups in school
• musical events
• after school clubs that are run by paid coaches
Residential Visits
During Year 6 children are offered the opportunity to go on a residential visit to the Llain Outdoor Education Centre near Aberaeron, Ceredigion. This can develop children’s confidence and provide opportunities for curriculum enrichment. Year 6 children may also have an annual overnight stay in London and will see a West End Show, take a River Cruise on the Thames and visit a museum or the Houses of Parliament.
We need permission to take your child out of school so consent slips will have to be signed and returned to school before any child can be taken on a visit. All educational visits are risk-assessed by the school. The risk assessments are available for parents to see.