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Late/Absence Procedures



Please send a letter in with your child on their return. Recent recommendations from the LEA state that children who have had diarrhoea or sickness should stay at home until two days after the symptoms have cleared.


If the absence is likely to be longer than 3 days please telephone the School’s Admin Officer, Mrs Davies to let us know the nature of the illness.


If a pupil has an infection that may be dangerous to others (e.g. Rubella/Measles) please contact the school immediately. If a child becomes ill during the school day it will be dealt with initially by their class teacher and then by the designated member of staff, a trained first aider. If it is thought appropriate for your child to return home you will be contacted by telephone.


External Agencies


The Education Welfare Service exists to bring home and school closer together. The Education Welfare Officer (EWO) visits the school on a half-termly basis to discuss attendance or other problems causing concern, with the Head Teacher. The EWO will make home visits at the request of the Head Teacher, and will follow up pupils with low attendance.


Other agencies include Behaviour Support Team around the Family (TAF), Home Start, Sure Start, Social Services and School-based Counselling.


Regular discussions with the school nurse and dentist ensure that the school is aware of any medical problems.


The nurse carries out hearing and vision. Examinations never occur without the consent of the parents. Professionals such as speech therapists and occupational therapists may be asked to give advice and / or support for individual children with specific needs. The school also has an attached Educational Psychologist.




It cannot be stated enough how important attendance is to a child’s educational progress. . If your child is absent for any reason please try to inform school as soon as possible. This can be done by telephone or by letter when your child returns to school. We give certificates to pupils with excellent attendance at the end of each term. All pupils will have an attendance report each half term.

