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Parent – Teacher Association (PTA)


This is our home-school association and any parent/guardian is welcome to join. Also involved are members of the teaching and support staff. The association provides the opportunity for you to get involved with school activities.


The principle objectives of the PTA are:


• to provide a vital link between home and school enabling you to work alongside the staff at the school to the benefit of your child;


• to be involved in organising activities and fund-raising events, which in turn support the community of the school and provide much-needed extra facilities or equipment .


• to inject energy, enthusiasm and understanding of the school in the organisation of fetes, book fairs, social functions and countless other occasions when home and school are brought together.


We are all here to work together to advance the education of our children in our school.


Informal meetings are held to arrange fundraising events. We need everyone to get involved in any way they can. Energy, enthusiasm and new ideas are welcome from all our members.

